The Recycle Bin – Essentials: Shell Creatures

Last time I gave a bunch of rules for Shell Creatures, which had a bunch of mechanics to mirror the Stagger system of Final Fantasy 13. It was a bit complicated, which in my defense was because I was trying to mimic something from a Final Fantasy game. A few comments and a playtest or […]

The Recycle Bin – Shell Creatures

I’m not a very original person.  Creative, possibly, but not original.  I took to heart what my 12th grade English teacher Virginia Olga Wortinski told me all those years ago, “Little ones, there are no new ideas.  Everything’s already been thought of by people smarter and better than you.”   Vow, as she asked we called […]

The Value of a One-Shot

Okay, I’ll admit it… I don’t like running one-shot adventures.  I usually find it cumbersome, slow, and generally boring.  One of the reasons I love DMing so much is that my players and I get to weave a story that includes elements in which everyone is invested.  A one-shot pretty much always precludes that, reducing […]

Using Elements from Real Life in Your Game

One way to get your players to role-play more is to do so yourself.  When you have them meet an NPC, bring something fresh to the table when you play that character.  How do you do that without spending hours planning an NPC?  Well, one way is to bring in elements from your daily life […]