Opportunity Actions: Game Night Blog Carnival – Betrayal at the House on the Hill

Welcome to the new Game Night Blog Carnival!  This is a new feature we’re doing once a month with a few other RPG blogs.  If you have an RPG blog, and would like to participate, check out the FAQ at the main Game Night page. I’ll start by saying that I know, this is supposed to be about non-RPG […]

A Different Sort of Background Bonus

The background bonuses introduced in the PHB2 are one of the best things about what is arguably one of the best D&D4e books. I have always endorsed the idea that players should get some kind of reward, even if only a small one for having a character background. Even if a player doesn’t expand or […]

Why You Should Be Reading The D&D Comic

There’s a perception, both outside the gamer community and to some extent within it, that all roleplaying fans are also comic nerds. It’s not always an accurate assumption, even if there does tend to be a lot of overlap. I’m what you could call a casual comic book fan, as are many of my friends. […]

Opportunity Actions: Races of Athas – Gnomes Revisited

Here I am, once again diving into a series. I want to go back to my Races of Athas series, and clean things up a bit. I’ve had some time to think about a few of these, and I think I can improve on what I’ve written. I hope you see these as improvements, too. […]