Adventure Hook 008 – Pet Defective

In my ever evolving quest to bring you an adventure hook per day, here is #008, Pet Defective: – ADVENTURE HOOK 008 Location: A town large enough that a rich noble/wizard/benefactor has a permanent home there, and is old enough to have a demanding, pre-teen-age daughter. – Situation: The daughter of said rich noble has […]

Adventure Hook 007 – Shaken, Not Stirred

At the twitter prodding of @illusivedreams (Thanks Dude! – credit where credit is due!) I have decided that Adventure Hook 007 should have a decidedly Bondish feel. – ADVENTURE HOOK 007 Location: Region of the continent where 5-7 towns are reachable within a day or two or each other. – Situation: The party’s main benefactor […]

Adventure Hook 006 – A Heck of a Hangover!

Welcome to day six of my personal Adventure Hook challenge.  Hopefully these are amusing and/or useful to you.  My goal is to provide inspiration or offer a quick side story for your game when something unexpected happens and you need a small plot with which to run… – ADVENTURE HOOK 006 Location: Small village with […]

Adventure Hook 005 – A Goblin's Dilemma

I thought an adventure hook featuring a group of creatures would be a fun thing to write, so here it is: – ADVENTURE HOOK 005 Location: A campsite a few miles from the nearest town, where the party has bedded down for the night. – Situation: A small, young, emaciated goblin stumbles into the camp […]